Daily Archives: September 12, 2008

Social justice and the global academic community

By Dr. Lamont Flowers

In today’s times it seems that ensuring every man, woman, and child has an opportunity to receive a quality education should be a top priority for the global academic community. Additionally, research has also suggested that a more educated citizenry supports and influences economic growth.

Due to ever-increasing interdependence among diverse communities, I believe it is in our best interest to develop and implement higher education policies and strategic plans that seek to increase access and enhance skills for all. Moreover, to improve technological and scientific advances without focusing on the perspectives and prosperity of the populace may not be the best course of action to pursue as it may lead to short-term gains in research and long-term decreases in equality, human rights, and social justice.

Thus, I contend, ignoring social mobility and social justice in an academic arena does not truly take into account the intersection of the many complex philosophical, political, and economic variables that are integrally related and required to expand the capabilities of all citizens. However, emphasizing social justice in higher education supports continual improvement and economic prosperity around the world.

Dr. Lamont A. Flowers is the Distinguished Professor of Educational Leadership and Executive Director of Charles H. Houston Center for the Study of the Black Experience in Education at Clemson University.