A Reverend Jackson: Hi Hater

By Emmett L. Gill, Jr., PhD, MSW emmettg@ssw.rutgers.edu

 I know very little about politics, but I have realized the enormity of the pending Barack Obama presidency.  With that said, Reverend Jesse Jackson, as many others have said, needs to, in all due respect, be silent.  Not only should Jesse be totally silent, but also he should be virtually invisible.  Jesse Jackson is an icon and icons should be rarely seen and almost never heard.  Reverend Jackson has done some extraordinary things – in foreign policy, human welfare, civil rights, athletics, and a host of other areas.  Reverend Jack ran for president twice – he w-a-s the man. 

Yet as of late Reverend Jackson has come to due more harm to the public will, image, and leadership of blacks folks than good – another very public clergy member with a child out of wedlock, the mere mention of his name exacerbated extraordinary racial tensions in the Duke lacrosse case, and now this.  An iconic preacher /politician expresses a desire to castrate the man that is accomplishing what Jack could not.  That is what rapper Maino is referring to when he says “Hi hater.”

Look I have not led any marches, leveraged any boycotts, saved any hostages, walked along Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., or any of that, but I do know a hater when I see one.  “It’s a fact right… how they act trife…how they smile in your face then they back bite…”

Emmett Gill is an assistant professor at Rutgers, The State University, School of Social Work

3 responses to “A Reverend Jackson: Hi Hater

  1. Larry C. Menyweather-Woods

    Though Dr. Gill deserves all acolades for achieving a goal few Blackamericans have obtained, his confession form his earlier writing needs to be recounted for in his thrashing of Reverend Jackson, his own personal bias is reflected throughout his article. This bias is not strange for Many Blackamerican males love to portray their self-righteousness toward their own every opportunity given them. He is a social worker with a Ph.D., but instead of giving analysis to the reason why Jackson would make a statement to assist in understanding, he joins the chorus of pseudo-Black intellectuals who happen to refer themselves as men, but whose miseducation is so present, they forget their own higher calling to play the “dirty-dozen” as Blackamerican men did on the streets of yesteryear. Dr. Gill failed because he stated his case in MORE than 12 statements, which according to From Juba to Jive only contains 12 or fewer to be considered part of the “dirty-dozen paradigm.” Why the mentioned of Jackson having a baby out of wedlock? Is this the reason he wanted to castrate Obama because he was talking about Jesse’s sin? No, there is a reason Dr. Gill, you have not led any marches, or leveraged any boycotts, saved any hostages, walked along the side of the late Civil-Rights, Preacher, Dr. Martin L. King, Jr., I assure you it’s not about being a back-stabber, rather, it is because you have chosen NOT TO DO ANY OF THESE THINGS, and by your own admission, you could fulfill the role Woodson stated in Miseducation of the Negro – be a servant! That’s not your forte! However, you are a Doctor of Philosophy, you are an acknowledged, accomplished social worker, and I thank God you have never sinned before, made a mistake – oops! I forgot that’s what you called your state of being educated isn’t it? Oh well, life goes on – maybe someone else from the beloved Academe might enlighten us poor, misguided Black folks, to the land of knowledge where we can understand, why Jackson said what he did. Oh, by the way, would you please define for my ignorance self, what is meant by the presumptive Democrat Presidential Candidate the phrase “personal responsibility?”

  2. check this out

  3. Dear Emmett — allow me to draw your attention to the following…

    Jesse Jackson accesses Palin’s memory files and much more…MUST SEE Cindy McCain hand Jesse “controller” to download coded Intel from Kissinger’s latest MK-bot…


    Be Well

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